Quiz resibo
If you're here, it's for a reason. So let us take care of you as best as we can. We will make your hair the center of attention!
Please read each question of our test carefully and answer truthfully or as you feel. Tell us a little about yourself and we will offer you proper hair and scalp care.
Your hair can handle it!

1. How long does it take for your hair to dry?
Choose one answer:

2. What's your scalp like?
Choose one answer:

3. Does your hair have a tendency to curl?
Choose one answer:

4. What is the best description for your hair?
Choose one answer:

5. Is your hair prone to styling?
Choose one answer:

6. Is your hair often flat?
Choose one answer:

7. Which treatments do you give to your hair?
Choose one answer:

8. What results do you care most about?
Choose one answer:
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